We got to our destination in time to board Thomas & Friends.
If you know us, the Doctor has been totally and utterly absorbed in TTTE for yonks. Seriously. I refuse to read the books because they're always so grumpy and cranky. I don't mind the train play, but the stories, well Rev. W. Awdry has a lot to answer for.
The Zig-Zag Railway was fantastic, and both the smalls were captivated with Tiny chanting 'engine, engine!'.
But this was like the perfect almost-ending to the Doctor's love for Thomas and his friends. He's moving on to other loves. Like dinosaurs and dragons. He still likes trains, but he often tells me he's more interested in the dinos and the dragons. I've long wished for him to move on from trains, we've spent hours together building tracks together, pushing engines around. And now it almost feels sad. I'm a sap. I know.
we are in the thick of train love at the moment. He even says "toot-toot" in his sleep. He dreams trains and I'm learning more about them than I ever thought I would. Surprising what you learn as a mum.
No, no. Don't be sad. The dino phase is so much more fun. You'll see. There's dino food, dino play, Walking With Dinosaurs (go to your ABC shop now and buy it), dino poo (yup, this is a wild card, trust me, you'll know when to use it). Oh, the list just goes on.
I'm glad I am not the only one with issues with Rev. Awdry and his writing style. The whole thing needs a serious edit and update, they are my absolute least favourite books.
My boys are now 11 and 8 and I didn't encourage any Thomas love, that Tank Engine was so whiney! But so many other little boys around us were mad for them, we just enjoyed their joy from the sidelines. Good on you for following this one through and giving your little man memories for a lifetime.
Just when you think it is gone forever, a new wave of Thomas love will return with full vengeance, just to torment you!
That zig zag railway was, ahem, a tad on the dud side. All steam and fat blokes. But maybe my boys have grown out of train stage (blessedly)
Do you think Rosie will be into trains even though she is a girl? I hope so... I prefer trains than fairies.
Glad the fam had a fun day out. xx
Looks like fun PMM! I've always wanted to do the trip - maybe when Lil T and I do Sydney-town next month... hmmm.
PS I've finally played the Kreative game! Thanks for the nod!
I think the Melb version is Puffing Billy who dresses up as Thomas occasionally. We would go out of curiosity but it seems we'd have to outlay a week or two's wages for a family of 4 to go! Kinda pricey fun.
Well you know I'm with you on the stories but we are Thomas city around here. I can't even vacuum for fear of bumping the carefully constructed tracks. We ought to try the zig zag railway. It looks a treat. What a great way for the Dr to close his train chapter ... if only for a little while ;)
These photos are so lovely. Yes. They are. Our Puffing Billy is Thomas cross dresser... it is true.
we did several years of TTTE in our house too. You're right about the writing style, and worse was after a while I'd start reading with a Ringo Starr accent! The Sodor railway has some serious OH&S issues, just imagine the insurance claims!
Great pics!
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