It's that time again folks. Tiny style tips. Tiny might be small but she's packed to the hilt with style.
Today she's showcasing her Pammy boots. So called because of style icon (ahem) Pamela Anderson. These Pammy boots are go anywhere, rock the stylie, bring the rhymes!
Because they're not strictly Ugg boots (they're Pammy boots, to be sure) they CAN be worn out of the house. And will be worn out of the house. All. The Time. Who cares if you're going to drop your big bro off to preschool? Have Pammy boots, will travel! Going to the shops? What better time than at the shops to show off your Pammy style? Low on podiatry support, big on stylin' sport, Pammy boots are the bombfunk MC when it comes to getting around on these chilly days. What's a gal to do but don the Pammy boots, couple that with mis-buttoned cardi - and heck - where's The Sartorialist? Where's my Mum's main fashion love?
Pammy boots are the perfect go-to boot when you're about-to do some mischief. Stealthy. Warm. Fashion.
Do they not say that stealthiness is next to toastiness ?? No ? Well they darn well should !
Oddly, when I saw your post title pop up in my blog list, I read "The Pammy Boob". Strange, but true.
I love Tiny's Pammy Boots. She's styling.
I've also totally stolen the term. I got BB blue ones and I've been calling them her Pammy Boots.
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