It's windy here today. Like blow your skirt up windy. Like blow all the wheelie bins over windy. Like blow all the marquees down at Bondi over. Whoaaaa Nelly - it's like send your smalls crazy with all those ions being stirred up crazy.
I'm taking Tiny to her first dance class this afternoon. Well it's not a dance class as such, but an opportunity for her to dance all her sillies out. Well I hope it's not a class because Tiny has a style all of her own, and dances to her own beat (just like Gerald) - so this will be interesting..
Other news-breaking items:
- We went to the nursery this morning and the friendly nursery dude repotted my orchid for me, since it was sprouting all over the place and I was too scared to snip it and repot it myself. Some people are good, right?
- We visited our new local library. We now can no longer go back to our old library because our fines are crazy out of control and we've been run out of town. We now have books to go-go. We will not be skipping town to Mexico. This time we will return our books on time!
- The Doctor is refusing to have a siesta because he 'can't take it anymore' and he apparently 'feels like he's dying'. Uh huh.
- Tiny on the other hand is in bed singing and looking at books.
- We went to look at that school (take 3) again yesterday (Sue the Poo was not around - phew). Now I have to write a letter to say why I want the Doctor to go there.
- Cheery Ripes are no longer Cheery. I am on a wild losing streak - about to lose the clothes off my back if I don't win soon. So in a rash move - I've switched to Matt's Crunchie stash. And I AM WINNING!
I will report back later on my habit forming ways.
image via Aquabumps - this wind is so windy it blows over motorbikes. Yeeehaw.
Don't forget to enter the Beanstalk Books giveaway - leave a comment here to enter - I'll draw the winner on Thursday night!