When heading out for an afternoon with some pals, or family, make sure you put an extra bit of effort into your outfit. It's the little things that count.
If you choose to wear a tutu dress, don't wear it as a dress, hitch it right up under your little botbot. But that's not the Tiny style tip of today. No siree.
The Tiny style tip du jour? Mix and match your shoes. There's no hard and fast rule that shoes should match. Mix them up ladiez! It's the hottest look not to hit the catwalks this season.
Manolo wishes he came up with it. Jimmy couldn't Choo-Choo-Choose. Christian Louboutin put his boots on and walked all over you.
But Tiny? Tiny encourages the pick and mix philosophy. Try it - don't deny it!
Poppy has been rocking out the tutu and 2 different shoes as well - Ladies ahead of their time!
That is so like my Busy it is crazy! Busys thing is layering- no amount of clothing is too much!
I'd vote Tiny over Tavi any day.
love it! well done for Tiny for starting that trend!
soon Tiny will be posting her own reviews of Fashion Week - love it!
Tiny is rockin' the mix and match shoes. The ultimate style icon who's happy to break all the rules. Genius.
shaZAM! Brilliant child.
I'll be sure to get Gretta on the Tiny fashion train tomorrow.
Check out Gretta's "fashionista fairy floss" styling tips at my place.
Bungee cords are all the rage.
oh I didn't even notice the shoes! she's starting early, very fashionable!
I am preparing myself for the outfits and hairstyles that will be paraded when hubby is responsible for them for 5 days! yikes! he lets them wear whatever...........
Aila is rocking the same look. But usually two left different shoes?! Once upon a time I would have fought it, but now i realise there are greater battles to pick...
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