Yesterday I left it late to go and grab some fruit and vegetables. I've not discovered anyone really close to our new abode to buy really good produce, so I venture back to my old stomping ground - where everyone knows my name, but Ted Danson isn't around.
We quickly did the rounds of the butcher, the fruit and veg, and then drove to the supermarket. We were doing really well, whizzing around the aisles, Tiny clutching her 'things to pay for' tightly, Matt met us and the four of us traversed the supermarket together. How's that for solidarity?
We got to the check out and Tiny - out of the blue - starts saying top-of-lungs "You're 'gina. You're 'gina." Not just a couple of times. Not even quietly. But chanting it. TOP OF LUNGS. I don't know who was more embarrassed. Matt tried to change the subject and try to refocus Tiny on her new hair bands - NEW HAIR BANDS! The teenage checkout dude didn't make eye contact and scanned us through super fast. I took Tiny out of the trolley and sent her off to look at some 'flowlas' that were conveniently at her height. I was waiting for the reprise of "You're 'gina, you're 'gina," but it passed. Thank goodness. I need one of those trumpet mutes for Tiny to shove in her mouth whenever she feels the need to become a tiny chorister.
Despite how publically humiliating it is, it's a small (tiny) improvement on her standard: "I love you Mum" she tilts her head - then - "Mum... You're poo!"
Ah sweet toddlers.
Hilarious to read, but I can definitely feel the embarrassment.
It absolutely must be the age for it; little Tuesday asked the butcher if he had a penis. She promptly told anyone who cared to listen that she has a vagina and that means she is a girl, but if you have a penis then you are a boy. Go Team Tuesday! Conquering the tough issues!
loved this!! i just might try this tactic (and vocab) tomorrow at work...
Oh I've been there too! x
Just when "one born every minute" makes me as clucky as all hell you come along with one of your toddler tales and put me off again! tehe!
I feel your pain..... My little 3 yr old boy now loves to announce to all "I just did a fart Mum, it's funny!", also very embarressing!
Oh, love it! My little man is only 6 mths so I have all this to look forward to. One of those don't know whether to laugh or cry moments. Tiny sounds like a little champ.
At safeway.
Elton: "Mum have you got a penis"
Audrey: "Dad has a penis. Mum has fur."
Checkout Lady: "That will be $116"
I like the concept of the trumpet mute!
God love her. They do love a new word, don't they? Everyone's a Bum Bum Head at our house at the moment, according to Mr3. I mean to say. Bum Bum Head? Even writing it makes me laugh.
So funny! My 2yr old loves talking about her 'bagina' and her brothers penis. I shoosh them in public places only to be asked 'why mum?, why did you say shoosh?'. She also quite likes talking about farts or proclaiming 'I did a wee AND a poo!'. I'm also glad that there are other mums who use the right words for private parts.... I was starting to think I was the only one!
hahaha. love it.
This is in a different league altogether... I told Yr 1 that a teacher at our school was off getting married and when she returned she'd be called Mrs Hoare. Instantly fists pumped, kids jumped....the chant went up "She's a whore (hoare?)! She's a whore! She's a whore!"
Again, they are in Yr 1. That makes them six. Seven tops.
When Tiny can make that connection then I say worry!
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