Hello friends, it is I, super mummy, sent to save the dayfromturningintoThursdayalready.
I played hookie yesterday and didn't front up for my blog. Sorry folks. Yowser. Life got in the way of the show going on.
I took the Doctor to his school kindy orientation. I felt a bit sad. Then the Doctor asked me if he could go to a school that he would only have to attend four days a week. Then we chatted. Then I shopped for fruit and veg. I went for a walk to the park with my wee family. I pretended I was a Squid Brother at the park. I pretended I was a policeman on a police-issued scooter at the park. I went on the slide. I went on the swing. I walked home from the park with a naked almost-three year old. Yeah. Uh huh. Almost naked except for a nappy and a pair of pink sandals. It's all the rage for the under 3 set.
I am pretty exciting, yes?
What's on the haps in your 'hood?
Noooooooooood! I personally don't get that impulse in public... never have... but my old boyfriend's ma used to relish telling tales on him about his wild feats of noooood. He was a very polite boy and would do it almost silently... fold his clothes... shoes on top... in about 4 seconds flat.
Sounds lovely! I think 5 days a week for kindy/prep is too much too, I'm with the Dr on that one!
I had an awful thought it was thursday already. I can now pretty much blame that on you. You may have done it for yourself, but I had a whole day of thursday on a wednesday. no super powers here. although now I get to have thursday all over again tomorrow.
nice roll playing at the park. I have been a lot of things, and I am sure I will continue to be.
I prefer to run around naked with pink thongs actually. Sometimes I pack a shower cap for extra fun. Can you see me? Hilarious.
There is no time for roll playing at our parks. I spend the majority of my time fetching Miss O off the roof of play equipment or off the top of anything 3 times my height. Try doing that in pink thongs. It's a rare talent. Just like you, superwoman to the rescue!
Sounds like super mummy had a peachy kind of day with her little darlings. Hope tomorrow is lovely too. Cherrie
My almost three year old starts the day fully dressed and we're lucky if he finishes the day in anything at all. Between mudpies, toilet training and icy poles the layers just seem to keep coming off.
yesterday Matilda spent half the day in a nappy, a swimming cap and a dummy. i think it must be the latest.
Well Done, this post made me smile and you sound like the perfect mummy:)
Well Done, this post made me smile and you sound like the perfect mummy:)
Well Done, this post made me smile and you sound like the perfect mummy:)
oops pressed the button two times too many!
Oh I know, what is it with stripping off and the 2 year olds? I turned my back for a second at 7pm tonight, and mine was undressed, out the back and having a "swim" in a bucket full of muddy rainwater. We also enjoy the gleeful noodie run during guest visits at our place.
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