Thursday, 21 October 2010

Lego + Sunshine + Sydney = A GIVEAWAY!

If you're a Sydney-sider or visiting Sydney this weekend - well you're in luck!

As part of the Sydney Architecture Festival, and to celebrate their 40th anniversary Lego DUPLO have built a wee little house for the smalls to play within. How cute is that?
It's open Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th (9-5pm), it's free and it's on the forecourt of Sydney's Custom House. I'll be there fo' shizzle. The Doctor has already eyed it off and declared that we're there! Will you?
And for everyone else* (and of course Sydney readers too), I have the sweetest of spoils to giveaway.
Leave a comment here before Monday (25th) 8pm (EST) and tell me what you'd make out of Lego DUPLO, and you'll go into the draw to win one of three Lego DUPLO Large Brick Boxes valued at $49.99. It's a great starter kit that provides unlimited creative fun!
* Sorry - Australian readers only!
* 3 winners will be drawn at random.
EDIT: I have extended the giveaway to close on Monday 25th at 8pm.


Verimaz said...

I always loved trying to make bridges with Duplo, i'm looking forward to seeing what my lil Miss will make of Duplo when she is big enough.

willywagtail said...

A house. Always a house.

whitely said...

a big tall block tower; built till it topples!

Nat Kringoudis Melbourne said...

A loo. Maybe then, just maybe, Missy L might actually train! Until the, gimmie strength!

spectacularfairywren said...

a quiet small room with a lockable door. But one of those openable windows...

I wanna be in Sydders this weekend

Christy said...

My kids are always making robots with their duplo. Me - I make houses or farms. Best toy invention ever!

suzy said...

I would make a robotic lego hand so that when the kids are finished playing with the duplo, it just packs itself away.
Then it can mix me a gin and tonic.

Helen said...

my daughter always wants me to build a house with lots of stairs, levels and hidey-holes. love lego!

Anonymous said...

Me and Little T have been building birthday cakes of late. And houses for the birthday cake to sit in. And then a garage for the car to take the birthday cake to the parties. And a tower to watch out for birthday cake robbers. And you must always always always put the toilet on the very top of the tower (because you just don't know when you'll need to go when your on robber watch).

Jen said...

My kids build cars or boats or buildings. I like the idea of a double-tower thingy. Or a marble run!

Super Sarah said...

Cars, defintitely cars. My eldest made a car with a swimming pool on the back the other day. Nice.

gret said...

As always, we'd make a "tow" [tower] with a "flow" [flower]. I'm getting very good at it. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Monique said...

Thanks for the tip. We will be there for sure. Am husbandless this weekend and looking for something to do with kids. This is just the bet.

PS don't include me in the draw. We have oodles of duplo.

Catherine said...

at our place, it's either a "Dr Seuss" spiralling staircase, or the eiffel tower and arc de triomphe (yep, dad always takes over when duplo's around...)

Anonymous said...

A castle!!

Bek said...

I would defer to Caleb as to what to build because he always has an awesome idea! Usually something to do with aliens at the moment.

Ellieboo said...

I asked Ellie what she would build out of lego and she said "a slippery dip"

Jovana said...

i'd make a stable and a little farm for my daughters new farm animals (toy obviously:)

typicallyred said...

a slippery dip for the penguins to slide down.

Cherie said...

A stable for our My Little Ponies to live in.

nicole said...

a new coffee table? i'm sure it would be more stable than the current one, it's missing a leg...

Katy said...

A room with space for icecream & dolls, carousel and magazines - or so miss 3 just told me x

Rachael said...

We are usually asked to build a farm
house and all the characters from 'milo and Otis.' even the box boat and the crab...

Mel said...

My first thought was some kind of robot that may assist me with household chores and such. Then I remembered we are house hunting ... in Sydney ... so it'd have to be a four bedroom house ;)

Anonymous said...

Sigh..... I love lego. I remember those lego tables where the lego went in the middle and there were mats around the outside... Now there is PINK lego (Want!) and I loved the lego jewelry you tracked down a while ago - the flower ring was a favourite!