My little Doctor is so excited about school. Both days of this weekend he's worn his school uniform. We went out and about with a little school boy. Man he is giving me all sorts of cute attacks. He's so proud! He loads his backpack up with his drink bottle and Lego paraphernalia and off he goes.
By the end of this week I will have a Kindy Kid in my house. Amazing.
One thing about the uniform - did they really need to choose those white shirts? For one thing - pristine white for a small child - good luck to me and my love affair with Napisan. Secondly, ironing - I only iron about once a quarter. Have you seen the Stubbies SunSmart school tees with 50+ UPF protection and have neat little airvents under the arms, not to mention: they-don't-need-ironing?? BRILLIANT! Who do I need to brainwash at school to get them to switch?