Saturday, 29 January 2011

Dialling It Up

Matt got a new iPhone and I can't even connect the darn thing. It's only giving the option of Emergency calls. A surefire way to keep the bill low, but a surefire way to keep my blood pressure high.

On the flipside: I think I could text message blindfolded too. A cinch. I am a crazy good SMSer. Though that's not really something you put on your CV. Is it?


Cath @ chunkychooky said...

After poo pooing smart phones for ages I recenlty got an iphone, not the latest one- and it is ace! I love it!

Sarah said...

Lexi - get the pass word right then you will connect!


Sarah said...

Og and DO NOT LET Cathy tell you about the apps or you will be sucked in a vortex!

mama bear said...

LExi – my iPhone 4 is a great little computer. But possibly THE WORST mobile I've ever had. And it's been replaced by Apple once. And vodafone won't do anything about their crap service. The previous iPhone worked fine but this one we have to stand at the very back of the house to use it!

I'm raging even typing it. aaarrgghh!!

nicole said...

did you try turning it off and on again?
no but seriously. my boy wouldn't listen and his didn't work for days and then he turned it off and on again and poof! it worked.

oh and i loooooove my iphone. i don't function very well without it anymore...