Sunday 13 March 2011

Life With A Small Feral Beast

In the immortal words of Katy Perry, she's hot then she's cold, she's yes then she's no, she's up then she's down, (and I'll ad lib the rest) she's cranky then she's happy, she's hungry then she's not. She's charming then she's feral, she's on the floor limbs flailing, then curled up playing cubby houses, she likes Barbie then she doesn't, she wants to cuddle, then she's in attack-mode, she's sleepy then she's wide awake.


Christie said...

We have one of those too!

sophie said...

I hear you loud and clear!!!

Cathie said...

they must have sold them by the dozen a few years back, I have me one of those too, but I still love his sneeky dog eyes & cuddles ♥

psp fans blog said...

OH gosh sounds like me some days (grin)

Lisa said...

You are not alone. Sounds like there are a few of us with the same models!

spectacularfairywren said...

And I quote: " you didn't scare me mum"... Grrrrr

But then: "Do fish swim like this with their tails?" accompanied by horizontal flipping...

oh dear what a conundrum.

Corrie said...

oh that is so funny! happy to send my two over to make you feel better and want her back! tillie was my worst tantrum girl ever - out to embarrass me and throw killer tantrums and never go to bed. Then she started acting all sweet and being the first asleep and her twin brother is now exactly like the old her. sigh, I can't wait for him to grow out of it but it could take time

keep smiling:) oh and ignoring, works for me. Ignore the bad, praise the good!


Nicole said...

Yes I've got one of those too.