I could probably almost just have a new baby so I could pimp it out in the new Bugaboo and Missoni collab. I mean this thing is so hot I'd like to ride in it. Could there be a sweeter ride? I seriously doubt it peeps. And as if they needed to further seal the deal, this beautiful Bugaboo comes with a matching Missoni blanket. Got to start 'em young peeps.
Functional. Fashionable. Fo' realz. This is no optical illusion, I'm not playing tricks - this is a match made in fashion heaven.
And available in Australia from July 2011 in selected stores.
I never had a Bugaboo. Boo hoo. Are you a Bugaboo mum?
I'd trade my daggy old Mountain Buggy in a heartbeat for one of those babies!
I was a hand-me-down mum.
i love them too x trying to sell my valco at the moment, no wonder no one wants it lol xx
I was an opp shopping, doing it cheap, hand me down mother and bloody proud of it too. Those never last and the money is more important for other things I reckon.
I love this! Do you think you could put a puppy in it? That I can do...
My personal and no doubt quite offensive opinion is that bug-a-boos are for wankers. You can buy a very cool just as awesome pram for much less. People only buy them for the name and the prestige.
Kirsty I didn't find your comment about Bugaboo owners being wankers you can think what you like. But I did find your comment "People only buy them for the name and the prestige" offensive how do you know this is the "only" reason people by them. Its my opinion that consumers don't take the purchase of a pram very lightly and I in fact did quite a bit of homework when purchasing my pram and it had nothing to do with brand names. And what does it matter what prams people use as long as there happy :-)
There IS a sweeter ride.. I made it..! ;)
I never had a bugaboo and dont think i ever will.. but i can say that is one sweet looking pram. I love it.
ah very very cool!
Wow, I didn't realize pram choice could cause such judgmental comments! My parents bought us a bugaboo when I had Che and it's still in great condition for baby almost due. Daniel and I are considering buying the missoni cover, it is rather lovely x
I cannot imagine spending that much on a pram. Because it's a pram. Pram!
Last time I saw them in a shop, they cost about $1600 on sale. That's a lot of money.
Wow I love the job Vic did on pimping her own pram. I too could never justify spending that kind of money on a pram. Sure I am all for pushing a stylish pram around and I might not have knocked one back if someone had given one to me, but I just couldn't part with that much of my own hard earned cash for a pram.
Bugaboos have failed all the safety tests in Choice Mag - still people buy then...
I find them pretentious. I am going for hand me downs. Hurrah for hand me down parenting!
I'm so sorry to offend you Hunter I also meant that statement to be merely my opinion. I was typing on my iPhone so I was hurrying. What I should have said is actually mentioned later by another commenter. Although we could have absolutely afforded to buy a bug-a-boo all the studies show all they have going for them is looks and yes as per the choice guide to prams which we used when buying they are a huge safety fail. When it comes to my kids I'll take safe over pretty any day.
I am a mountain buggy and maclaren mama - I am an OH&S nut so it was all about safety for us. But if they did a Missoni Moutain buggy cover, I'd be all over it!
so not a bugaboo mum (I have a lamaze stroller that cost $80 at BigW) but I LOVE that missoni one. Gorgeous! Of course, I know how grotty prams get being pulled in and out of the car, leaned up against walls, pushed through parks and along busy streets, sweated into, puked on and rubbed with sticky fingers so I'd never spend the $ on something like that but I hope somewhere in my neighbourhood does so that I can see it in real life :-)
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