Saturday, 16 June 2012

Sunday at the Movies:: Brave

The smalls and I are going to see Brave tomorrow. We three are super duper looking forward to it. And it's super good weather for a movie. Yes. Melbourne is sharing their weather with Sydney.

A female lead that's strong - Scottish and brave? I am IN like FLYNN!

Because dudes, my lineage denotes I am of Scottish descent. I was born to love Scottish accents. And with Billy Connelly - well hellz yeah!

I will report back and let you know if this is a goer for the upcoming school holidays (how did we get to July already?!).


Cwybrow said...

one day i will again see a movie. at the cinemas. without pausing it eighteen times.
one day.

Small Catalogue said...

We saw it too. Loved it. My small said it was a little bit scary, but also funny and good. What was the verdict at your end?