Monday, 24 September 2012

The Emmys: Let's Do This Thing

Elisabeth Moss, I quite like this - loving the floral, the legs, and the new 'do. Fresh faced and not over done, the only thing I'm not mad keen about is the ruffle around your bust. And your waist. And everywhere. Reminds me of a bedspread. Other than that, neeeeext...
This is speaking to me - subliminally it's saying: 101 Dalmations - The Sequel, coming to a screen near you. But Glenn, you do look bloody gorgeous. You can sure give some of those younger foxes a run for their money. Classic and elegant, wins every time.

Dear Heidi, yes we know you have legs. And yes we know they go on for miles. And yes, we've seen them before. Now you're amping up your Angelina and sticking them out at every occasion. Stop with the legs. I love this frock. Except for the fact it's like an arrow to your vajayjay. I would like your legs to go on a vakay.

Swooning. Seriously swooning. Zooey - you are the queen of style in my book. You nail it every. Single. Time. I can keep looking at this, your ethereal beauty for days. High five!
Just found the full length. FTW!


shine little light* said...

Oh no a lawnmower got the bottom of Zooeys dress!!!! I kid I kid. She is ridiculously beautiful. I kinda hate her! heheh! and agreed re. heidi!

bec said...

haha, I wish more people would put their vajayjay away or send it on a vakay! (this'll crack me up for yonks haha)

Megs said...

Elisabeth Moss's dress looks very similar to Rizzo's (Grease of course) dress for the dance off. Hmmm.