Monday, 24 September 2012

The Emmys: Sofia Vergara, Betty Draper, Allison Williams

 Does this woman ever look bad? Nope. I can't imagine it. This reminds me of when I was little and I'd be in a department store with my parents staring, mouth ajar - lovingly at all the Barbie dolls. Lady looks hot. Like a red hot mermaid. Props to her for channelling my childhood memories.
 I thought this was that Emo girl that dated Marilyn Manson. But nope. It's Betty Draper. Jan. Let's talk. You're a beautiful woman. But enough of the mourning get up. I understand that Don ditched you. But it's time to move on.
 Which emerald beauty is this? Why it's Allison Williams. Who? Yes. Me too. Peplum waist? Check! Colour of the season? Check! Art-deco detailing at the bust? Check! Yep. Thought so. Gorgeous with a capital G.

Lena Dunham, you clever broad. You look so effortlessly beautiful in this Prada lace frock. I likey. damn it. I love it. I would have added a chunky belt for some definition and some pizazz, but lady, I love this and your new 'do. I'd wear this and then some. LOVE!


::The Beetle Shack:: said...

oh Lexi, I have just come over from Mrs Woogs Sherridan post. It's just too much seeing your beautiful face over there and then having the question posed 'have you ever made a dick of yourself at a function'. Oh the shame.

xo em

Small Catalogue said...

The posture on that last one is heinous. Nice dress, but surely her hips are killing her?

My favourite Emmys story is the one about Sofia Vergara's dress splitting at the after do. That happened to me once. Only my arse is nothing like her pertness and there is no way I would have instagram'd my shame.