Monday, 23 June 2014

How To Make Yourself A Little Happier:: 5 Tips

So lately I have been doing small things to add some happy into my day. To get myself out of the Groundhog and onto the good foot. They're not big things. They're not groundbreaking. But they have made me happier. 

Want some tips on getting yourself happier? 

1. Get outside. I know I love social media. But sometimes it makes me not so happy. Putting down technology and going outside is SO good for the soul. I spent a happy afternoon last week pulling weeds. And pulling weeds. And pulling weeds. There are a lot of weeds in our garden, and passersby may think we're busy cultivating them. 

We're not. Weeds intimidate me. Plus I don't want to find any creepy creatures in the garden. But that afternoon of weeding not only got me outside, it let me feel the sunshine on my back, gave me the feeling and satisfaction of having done something with my hands, and made my garden look slightly better. 

2. Do something for someone else. When I was feeling a bit blue a couple of months ago, I donated some red. Blood that is. When you do something for someone else - you feel good. It's not just me that thinks this. It's got the psychologists talking too. 

Doing something without the expectation of receiving something in return can have a major influence on happiness. It provides more positive social interactions and opportunities to make friends; it relieves distress about other people's misfortunes; bottom line = it feels good. 

Try donating blood! And if you can't donate blood, there are SO many charities that will happily host volunteers. Give some time to someone who needs it. You'll get the buzz benefit. 

3. Make something with your hands. It goes back to that thing of doing something with your hands. I have a fairly sedentary life, so gardening is good for me - physically and mentally. But if you're not into gardening, stitching, painting, even joining a drawing club can have that positive effect. Being purposeful can mean you can quite literally take your own happiness into your hands.

4. Cook something. I don't get much time these days to cook, unless it's my day off or on the weekend. But nothing beats the feeling of making something for your friends and family to enjoy. Last week it was risotto. The week before brownies and peanut butter and choc chip biscuits. This week? The world is my oyster. But it won't be oysters. 

5. Catch up with a friend. Dr PottyMouth prescribes you a restorative catch up with friends. Or family. In my own experience, there's nothing better than spending time with people you love. Meet a girlfriend for coffee or a big walk, chat. Catch up. Laugh. It is truly the best medicine, and you can't beat that high. 


Babs (patchworkcactus@typepad said...

You wise, not-old soul. I haven't given blood for ages! Good idea. And as for the making stuff - I always say that craft is my therapy. Not that crazy or anything but who knows what I would be like if I didn't make stuff. Glad you are breaking your rut. Xoxo

Shari said...

I've been trying this with my weekly schedule - I try to do one green, one yellow, one orange and one pink thing a week (I find highlighting them makes sure I achieve them as they are easily seen on the calander). My one green thing is something physical like walk to the park or aqua aerobics down at the new pool. My one yellow thing is something with family and something pink is for something social - normally with family or friends like a coffee or a play date. But the something orange is just for me - last week it was a dentist appointment, but I'll try and make it something nicer like a pregnancy massage or making time to paint my nails and shave my legs (lol - it's the small things).

Trainee Mama said...

I donated blood for the first time last week. Was so easy and instantly made me feel better about myself knowing how valuable it is

Alicia-OneMotherHen said...

I think convincing yourself to get out in the garden is the hard part! Time flies once you do start and can get so much done, it really is satisfying.
Agreed the buzz benefit is so good for the soul :)