This is definitely not working for me, this whole working pretty-much-full-time thing.
Well the working thing is working fine. I go to work, I work.
But it's the balancing act. It's the endless juggling. It's not death-defying, it's just I am not coping.
So. Many. Notes. And I can't keep up. Our kitchen table is currently covered in notes:
- This note tells me to send it back for tickets (to which both my children are now telling me I am too late and there are no tickets, and no you can't come)
- This one says I'm to sign and send it back and I will be billed in your next set of fees
- The next one wants to know if I can help with face painting
- The other one is telling me what clothes I need to send with the kids for the concert (and PS you'll be billed for the rest of the outfit in the next set of fees)
- You want your kid to learn recorder, right? So sign and send this back and we'll bill you for the aural pleasure
- This one is telling me I haven't paid our fees
- And here's the weekly newsletter - that you have to read just in case, and by the end of the 14 pages (I am not even exaggerating) you realise that one paragraph related to you
I can not keep up.
I never know what's happening at school.
I am failing this whole working mum, perfect balance, women can have everything thing.
I've dropped so many plates I don't even have a bowl to eat breakfast out ofdotcom
Oh you want me to put a positive spin on it? I am failing successfully.
I am really excelling at being the drop out mum.
I'm the pariah of the playground.
Welcome to my public breakdown.
* Neither of these images reflect what our home looks like. Purely for illustrative, meltdown purposes.
Snap! This is me. This is you. This is hundreds of working parents out there. I miss notes, deadlines, invoices and occasionally I forget to send them to school like oh on the first day if the year.
I'm feeling for you Lexi, I've been there and have just headed back to work after a blissful 12 months off. At least this time I'll be part time which will hopefully make things easier... At the risk of sounding creepy/stalkerish, I actually saw you up at the shops today (at least I assume it was you, having never actually met you before). My daughter and I were in the lift from DJs up to the car park? Anyway, I wanted to say hi and that I read your blog but felt like a dork and didn't, but I wish I had now knowing what a crappy day you were having. Hopefully I'll see you around again one of these days and next time I will!
oh I get moments when i feel so in control Im one smug mumma but most times Im all over the place and so out of touch with whats going on at school, with my kids homework and progress with the social activities and happenings at the school...its hard juggling everything - I've just learnt to do what I can and not fret...goodluck! everyone is in the same boat I pressure
Holy crap it is never ending isn't it. I actually got retrenched recently and having been enjoying some being at home time and I am finally on top of things. I have realised I just don't have time to go to work. Hahahaha sadly I have to!. Oh well back to disorganised hell.
Er... I don't even work full-time and have only one kid and "fail" miserably. Come on ! You're doing the best you can, maybe need to get organized a bit (that's what I tell myself every time I miss a deadline), but don't go calling yourself the drop-out mum !!! You know it's impossible to do it all :-)
ps: forget about notes, if you really freak out, put reminders with alarms (!) in your phone's agenda/google calendar/tasks app/ you get it...
OH MY GOSH!!! I felt really bad in the lift because I was feeling so bad, and walked out feeling like I had been rude to the lady and the child in the stroller because I wasn't chirpy. I am so sorry!! I had also stood in line at T2 for ages and given up being served because it was all taking too long, which added to my mood. I am sorry!! And yes, please do say hello next time! I would love to meet a kindred spirit x
Thank you Rachael, thank you. x
It's a bit of a struggle the mum juggle. HA! See what I did there?!
I am sorry to hear you were retrenched, I hope something excellent comes your way soon. It is sad having to go back to work. Work gets in the way of fun!
I never have those moments of control!
Oh how I laughed, and laughed and laughed. This was the best. Thank you Anna. x
Goshballs, I only have one and he's still at preschool and I'm floundering too. I love this post and I can totally relate to every single thing you've said (but who the heck is writing 12-page newsletters? Really. Is there THAT much on at school? It's school. Not the freaking New York Times.) I'm crook in bed, got 2,000+ unread emails in my inbox which are making my tummy churn, and I Really Need To Publish a Post On My Full-time Blog Now. Thanks the gods Mr B signed and returned the obligatory preschool form today. Hang in there love, you're not alone. X
You are a poet.
Honey I miss the notes all the time and I work at the damn school !
I think you just blogged about me :( I am seriously failing. I feel like I am failing at it all.
Dude, I am working grandma, and it's taken me three months to even come back to this post in my reader and comment. My notes are writing me notes.
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