So, as you will gather from the last couple of posts, I've broken my dry spell and started winning things. You don't know how much this thrills me, but it thrills me. Oh yes it does.
Please excuse my photo, Blogger is back to rotating them again - weird.
But as you can see - all those goodies made this gal so excited, I had to keep revisiting them all day. I've already got plans for those delicious vintage sheet fat quarters... Mmm.
My three year old got to the package before I could photograph it, but it was so beautifull wrapped..
Anyway, thanks to Bec, and please head over and visit her - she's got a fantastic range of beautiful bags. (Plus she's got a brilliant post re: chocolate and slave labour - it's a good read).
I am leaving a note to say well done winner - in hope a little of your luck will rub off on me! Mercernary I know :)
You hit the giveaway jackpot.... look at all that cools stuff (I'm very jealous)
Aaaawww, thanks for such a lovely write-up!! I'm just so very glad that you like it!!! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the fabric :)
Cheers, Bec
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