You know, I have really been pondering this. Ever get the feeling after clicking away from reading your favourite blogs - jeepers creepers - my day is a cesspit in comparison. My house is in a constant state of disarray, I can't be bothered to think what's for dinner tonight - so it's mufti meals again, I am in a hideous mood because I've been dealing with two sick kids and no decent amount of sleep. No wonder sleep deprivation is used as torture. I'm not talking fantasy land as in - Oh yeah I think I am Harry Potter - kazaam!
You want to know what's really happening in my life? Not that things are bad. They're just a tad boring. This is us:
- We rushed off to swimming this morning with sick baby in tow. It's winter. It's cold. Swimming at the moment is a drag and the teacher reminds me of Miss Trunchbowl .
- I need a sleep.
- I am uninspired in the kitchen of late. I am sick of cooking.
- I need a sleep.
- I am even sick of washing clothes. I used to love washing, but now, it's four people's worth - it's not fun anymore.
- I need a sleep.
- I need to turn the notch up to ten on the fun-o-meter, but I think the switch is broken.
- I need a sleep.
- I even don't want to vaccuum. There is definitely something wrong when I don't want to vaccuum. I would happily vaccuum every day. Not today. No. No. No.
- I need a sleep.
- I feel like I am under house arrest because of the two sick babes. Boo hoo!
- I can't krump like the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance. What's wrong with me Nigel Lythgoe? I try. Oh yes, I do try, but I just ain't got that swing.
- Did I mention I need a sleep?
So what to do when the chips are down (and I need a sleep)? I'll blog about some vintage finds I re-discovered lurking in amidst my mess this morning.
Like these two pieces of delicious fabrics.

Now take that crummy days - KAZAAAAM! - and be gone!
I feel your pain...I really do. We all have days that are cesspits! And lack of sleep will do it every time. My little one and I both slept through the night last night for the first time in forever and I said to someone I actually feel like a normal human today - I'd forgotten what that felt like! It wont last and then you will laugh about it. :) Amanda
P.S. If you learn how to fix the fun-o-meter dial can you let me know
I know how you feel today. I haven't done any washing for about 10 days and I can hardly squeeze into the laundry. I've lost my washing mojo and I hope it comes back before we run out of clothes to wear.
Hope the kiddies get better soon.... I don't know how you manage to drag yourself to swimming in winter bbbrrrrr.
I have needed a sleep for 3.5 years now!
Anyway, I feel your pain. When will winter end!? My 2 just got over some kind of timmy bug that involved a whole lot of puking (them) & washing (me). Plus my daughter has been getting all 4 eye teeth at once, which equals NO SLEEP!
The only way is up, right!?
Yes, yes! I feel it too! The lack of sleep--it's outrageous! I feel like all I ever say is "I'm just so tired."
Three days ago I did seven loads of laundry. I felt like that was all the laundry I'd need to do for a month! And yet today, there are at least four new loads that have materialized. Who is wearing all these clothes?
And when the little ones are sick, it's the worst. Once the baby's feeling better, you'll get your mojo back. Hang in there, leave the vaccuuming and get what rest you can.
Yes! I agree with everything you are saying. NO SLEEP THROUGH, thats me. Oh to get 8 hours straight would be complete luxuy. I treat my blog as a collection of snippets of all the nice things that are happening in my life. A bit of an escape. That way life can seem stylish and organised when really the house is a complete mess and the laundry pile is creeping to the roof!!
Hey there! Just a little note from one sleep-deprived mama to another (my son is 4 and still hasn't slept through the night yet) to let you know that you won the giveaway on my blog.
Shoot me an email (blog{at}beckybean{dot}com and let me know your address, and I'll post you a big parcel of goodies. Hope this turns up the dial on your fun-o-meter just a little :)
I totally hear you. Really, I am picking up what you're putting down. So often I'm reading other people's blogs while my kids are sitting in front of the tv, hungry and waiting for breakfast.
Blogs are fantasy land for all of us. It's hard not to compare ourselves but just remember mostly everyone is posting the pretty bits. Which is why I LOVED this post. I will steal this idea. Maybe we should do a week of boring shit we do and boring shit we blow off as moms.
Get some sleep and dream of when you were younger!
You're preaching to the choir over here sister! Thankyou for such an honest post and by the responses you can see that we are all in fact pretty much the same. If blogging is a fantasy land then so be it, I love having somewhere to escape all that is kaos in a house with children. Again, thankyou thankyou thankyou for your refreshing honesty!
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