First up 'The Tale of Two Bad Mice' by Beatrix Potter.. I always loved the way those renegade mice just broke into the dollhouse, stole all the bed linen, broke the (porcelain) ham, and just had free reign in a beautiful space. It reminds me of my being locked in a department store childhood fantasy for some reason.. The way the dolls returned to their home to find order usurped by two rodents - fantastic. Those dolls always kind of annoyed me with their primness.. Hunca Munca with her crazy name, going through the dollies house with great abandon, trying on the dollies clothes.. Throwing feathers around the bedroom, smashing up plates. I was definitely obsessed over that ham and those food cannisters that were filled with beads.
Click here and you can watch The Royal Ballet's performance of 'The Tale of Two Bad Mice'.
When I was a little older I loved all things Roald Dahl, particularly 'The BFG'. It was a grey day when Dahl died in 1990 (maybe I even cried).

And finally I can't go past Lauren Child's 'Charlie & Lola'. Such funny little people. And I love the 'Charlie & Lola' TV series.

Great theme! Roald Dahl gets my vote every time.
oh so many great books! Great theme :)
I am hoping that my little two will grow into Charlie and Lola - That isn't too much to ask is it. They are all such great stories and it amde me think about what I read to my kids and what stuck with me a as child. Great idea - Thanks
Wonderful theme! I love Roald Dahl too...(I wanted to live inside the giant peach!)
oh yes, i loved BP too, and did you ever see the movie on her life it was just wonderful
How I loved Hunca Munca....such a fabulous name.
Thanks for visiting my blog...hope the banana muffins are a success!!! We are big fans of Charlie and Lola books too...so much so, that we've named our new puppy 'Lola'!!! Lovely blog you have...I'll be adding you to my bloglines (which, by the way...are totally out of control!!!).
Well similarly I couldn't narrow it down to just one either! I loved Roald Dahl too - my favourite was 'James and the Giant Peach'.
Thanks for the great theme!
Thanks so much for all your sweet comments over the last few days. I am glad someone likes what I have been sewing.
I was wondering where you get the teething powder that you mentioned.
I think all little boys love trains, it seems to have magic properties to them - fairies for boys.
I love the Two Bad Mice. What vandals! But like them I find that its alway disappointing to find that your food is plaster.
I love Ms Potters books too, such sweet illustrations. And as for Dahl - well I loved and read everything he wrote!
I remember seeing that ballet on the telly as a kid-just lovely. Great choices-Roald Dahl is a long time favourite-thanks for this week's theme:)
Oh! My favorite book is a Munro Leaf one too!
Great 'this is...' by the way! I really enjoyed writing it. :)
Great list of faves there....I'm a fan of those naughty mice too - love it when they run amock in the doll house :)
Lauren Childs work is amazing. I'm sure they will be classics in time to come.
i included Beatrix Potter too! oh and we love Charlie & Lola in our household...too cute!!!
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