Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Don't Push Me

Apparently I am one of those people that other people feel inclined to push in in front of. I could have been standing in the bread shop for, oh ten minutes, and someone will waltz in, straight to the counter - ba-da bing and get served. Needless to say, I find it really, really ever so annoying. And it's not just a one off occurence either, it happens all. the. time. Today I was left so peeved I stood ogling the pusher-inner. I wanted to make eye contact. But of course, she avoided my steely gaze. The gaze that would have bored holes through her if I had a super power. The gaze that would stop traffic and extract an apology pronto. But of course it wasn't to be.

I left that shop feeling really cranky. I hate feeling cranky.

I'm wondering if singing this to the next perpetrator might be a good way to overcome crankiness, and drive the point home. Thoughts?


Liesl said...

What is it about bread shops? I'm constantly floating to the back of the queue at Baker's Delight as people elbow their way in front of me. Especially when I'm on the back foot trying to maneouvre two small boys with me. I'd recommend a few head high tackles. All's fair in love and store.

Cindy said...

I need to lend you Caleb who in a big loud toddler voice would be sprouting off how rude the person was and that it was his turn. No one pushes in front of him without the whole world knowing about it.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Oh yes, do that. That would be great. One of the joys of giving up smoking is that instead of smoking to keep all your emotions in check you just start telling people what you think. Yep, that's right, no more inhibitions. I just yell at people in shops, in the street, wherever in the world some poor fool decides to piss me off. It's quite frightening at times.

Kirsty said...

That sort of thing happens to me all the time! I obviously have "push over" stamped on my forehead.

Christie said...

Nobody pushes in front of me without getting a serve! As a sleep deprived mummy, I love getting taking out my cranky-ness on strangers... not very 'zen', i know...

JustJess said...

I hear you - mums all over must get this happening. I set the kids on them as a rule...

Ellieboo said...

Please dont hate me but today I was a pusher innerer. But does it count if you dont realise you pushed in? I was so busy stopping Boo from stealing the freddo frogs and squashing the kinder eggs that I just sat her on the newsagency counter and paid for my magazine. I was most shocked when a guy said in his nastiest voice - queue up next time. I was utterly confused because I hadnt realised there was a queue (honestly)and then he gave me a steely stare and said "you know what you did" as if he were accusing me of war crimes in Serbia. The funny thing is I am just like you and am usually the one that gets pushed in on. Am I forgiven?

Taccolina said...

Well, in Eliboo's defense, I'd say it's just plain RUDE people who are annoying, not people who are distracted. So that ma who was rude to her - two thumbs down - and two more thumbs (I'll borrow the dog's. Oh, dam, he hasn't got opposables...) to the person who pushed in on the famous Potty-Mouthed Mama!

Michelle said...

I've always thought a good slapping would do the trick!

I hate feeling invisible.

I have been known to exclaim loudly, with a slightly southern belle accent "why I do proclaim, the rudeness of some people!" Higher ground and all that.

Mrs.French said...

if you could figure out a way to think of this when this happens there is not way you could stay grouchy...if that doesn't work maybe a swift kick to the shin could work nicely...xxoo

Anastasia said...

yes, i can relate to that...people push infront of me too, especially when I have the pram as well! like im not in a rush or soemthing! Pfff!

Katie said...

hahaha do it! or backslap the back of thier head, either works for me.

BTW you won my giveaway, hope that cheers you up a little :D

my addy is drop me a note with your snail mail addy so I can post it off to you. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

xox Katie

Oh and, we may even bump shoulders one day. I'm moving to perth next year and I'm friends with Ylana of calico and Ivy. small world!

The Essess said...

Next person to push in front of you definately sing the song and do the actions! That would be funny!

Sarah said...

LOve it love it love it I DARE YOU - and let me know how it goes. I might have to start doing it as well LOL. Just need a little radio next to me to play the rap...

I have the added bonus now that my children say very loudly - MUM he/she just are so rude butting in front of us - (evil grin).