Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Stupid Things I Do In My Spare* Time

I am punching myself in the head as I type. I just did something really, super incredibly stoopid.

I am the proud and lucky owner of three Phalaenopsis orchids. I am a lucky gal. And by no means a green thumb. My Mum and sisters can attest to this.And so can each of the orchids because none of them are flowering. NONE OF THEM! But I try and look after them (the orchids, not my family - though I do try and look after them too), and they are very leafy, lush and green. But no flowers = no cigar.

I visited my local nursery today, gleaned some tips, came home, inspected them, struck a few geraniums in the meantime and then I set to my orchids.

Firstly, word on the street, I had been using the wrong fertiliser. Which is for certs not my fault because someone at said nursery sold it to me. HMPH! So I got the right fertiliser.

I checked the stems and saw a nice little bud on one stem. I was excited. Like I said, no flowers for yonks. And then I bloody well cut it off in a stupid, distracted moment. ERGH! What an idiot. I need Peter Cundall.

Please tell me something stupid you've done. Just to make me feel better. Feel free to make something up.

image via - where there are some good tips!

* I use the term 'spare' loosely