Wednesday 17 February 2010

Lotsa Lotsa Lotsa

I'm about to set a new trail for myself. I'm a little frightened by it. But it has to be done. I've been freelancing for a while, but I need some sort of regular gig to bring home some bacon, or at least some snouts or something. And I'm nervous.

You may be wondering why? My children are both at an age where they separate well.
But it's me who doesn't separate well. In fact tension just riddles my body when I am away from my wee ones. I hate it, wish it wasn't this way, but it is. I prefer to be with my little tikes.

And then of course there's the problem of finding a role with flexibility for a mama. It's not easy folks.
So meanwhile I'm thinking and stitching. Lotsa lotsa lotsa, something the Doctor used to say with such regularity when he wanted some more of something. Probably ice cream or chocolate.


Anonymous said...

May the force be with you, PMM.

Miss Muggins said...

Good luck. Finding balance is the hardest thing of all. I will be thinking of you xx

Anonymous said...

You are right to think about yourself in this process too. You are an important member of your family and it's vital that you are as stress-free as possible.

suzy said...

Gosh I feel the same way.
It's week 3 of kindy and so far I have helped out 3 times already. I love to be with my kids. They are my mates.
I don't know what I will do when Audrey goes to kindy next year.....missing my smalls and wondering what to do with myself. Very much like Marcia Hines, I think I will be singing that tune alot.

Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Sounds scary/exciting. Finding a new path can be unsettling... so good luck. I'm sure you'll be wonderful at whatever you turn your many talents to.

Unknown said...

All the best, do lotsa and you'll come to the right decision for you !

Anonymous said...

All the best Mama!

Lisa said...

I miss my daughter all the time when I am at work. But that also may have something to do with the fact that I don't really like my job. I guess the key would be to find something that you are really into.

Good luck and I hope you find an awesome role.

home girl said...

sounds exciting but challenging - i know what you mean about not separating well. hope you find a job that is worthwhile. you seem brimming with talent to me