I am horizontal on the couch. I deserve to be this way. The truth is, after this week I deserve a pair of Manolo Blahniks, an Easter Bunny on call, my own personal chef, and a honking big bungalow right next to the beach.
Next week is going to be a really freaking awesome week because this one has most definitely been left wanting.
Last night Tiny took to a bottle of Taav Vaporiser Fluid. Seriously. Thanks be to the Poisons Information Hotline. Thanks Tiny for taking another ten years off my life. Previously she has tried to eat - random berries off a tree (poisonous), and dishwasher powder (caustic). She is probably going to be a chemical Masterchef.
In light of this, I give you Battle of Bosworth wines. Ta da!
A while ago I mentioned the beautiful labels (and wine) that was by Spring Seed Company - remember that boozers? Well this is by the same people.
And while my local Vintage Cellars didn't have the Sav blanc, I went for the Chardonnay Viognier which is, let me tell you, awesome to the power of awesome. Let the half full bottle vouch for this.
Oh and I didn't even mention, it's organic. So it must be good. And the label is uber cool too. Brown paper. If I had three thumbs, well it would get three thumbs up.
Well done on getting through the week Lexy. You deserve to drink until you CAN see three thumbs. Here's to a new epoch beginning next week (and I'm sending you my most powerful electronic wishes for a full nights sleep.) Anotherday, another toddler. xx
Ay, what a week lady. Drink up! (By the way – PB is a chef, I'm more than happy to send him over if you wish, maybe even dressed as the Easter Bunny.)
Thanks for the fabric tips – will definitely take you up on that offer too.
Bottoms up! xx
oh my goodness, i hope by now you're well on your way through the second half of the bottle... here's to next week :)
Drink the lot! Skull it or Savour it. You deserve it by the sounds of it. You may have exaggerated... surely its only two or three years off (your life).
My Dancer took to methylated spirits at ten months. He was purple and not breathing because it hurt. We thought hed gone. Not the nicest experience if had as a mother.
Poor you, take it easy all next week, x
oops *ive not if
Holy shite! poor you. We use the vapouroser too... i am just goign to check to see where the liquid is...
You need a holiday, enjoy that tipple it looks pretty darn good!
Holy crap I thought my week was bad! You drink that down lady!
And you are so my wine guru. My local vintage cellars couldn't keep up with my demand for that Seed one you recommended. It'll be nice to try a new one ;)
Sheesh! What a week... you def deserve that drink...and another...and another!
I've memorised the 131126 poisons info number to the tune of the old pizza hut jingle. Thankfully not ever needed but I know it just in case! Glad all is OK.
I hope you have your 'call bunny' by now and it is indeed a freaking good week for you! Tiny - Chemical Chef...very funny...now!
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