This weekend I found a hat block. Awesome. Wunderbar. Ace to the power of spades. It was only $35. Thirty five clams. That is all! Until I went to pay for it and the woman said, 'Do you realise this is $85?' Shocked and in fear of rigor mortis setting in, I replied, 'Er no, I thought it was $35, I misread the label.' The lady then kindly said she would go and ask her mother how much she was willing to reduce it.
I have a growing and yet completely unvaluable vintage hat collection. I love hats. I love hats in the Spring time. I love hats in the Fall. I love hats in the Winter when it drizzles. I love hats in the summer fo' shizzle.
The lady came back seeming despondent and said, 'Oh she will only take it down to $50'. Of course I took it. I would have been a fool not to. Ordinarily there's no way I could buy one of these babies.
Hat blocks are GO! Enough about the hat block - I'm not here to bang on about the darn hat block.
I also snaffled a range of children's books for the grand tootin' sum of $3.00. And I saw a cork pinboard. Which I didn't get..
And yet, later in the day, after my brain had birthed an idea, I went back and found that pinboard and snaffled it for the Doctor's room (for about $1).
I gave it three coats of 'Passionate Blue' (do you ever have passionate blues?) and have resurrected it to be a new addition for the Doctor's special things. For approximately $10 for a customised pinboard, we likey.
I s'pose for some, the bulletin board would excite them to see...but for me? I want to see the damn hat block!! oh, how you tease! LOL
I love hats too! Love, love,love. People are too scared of hats. Youjust have to get past the 4 seconds of feeling like a crazy fool, and then they settle onto your head and you are go.
What a gorgeous idea the 'things we love' board is- will put that on my hunt-down list. Lovely way to talk together about happy favouritre stuff.
And I'm with Denise- show us the hat block - maybe a hat series?
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