I think pregnancy has been undeniably one of the favourite things of my life. I love it. That blossoming belly. Those first ripples of your babe moving gently in your belly. The kicking. It's that sweet communication between baby and mama. (Clearly I have filed the indigestion, back pain and foot wedged under the ribs and constant discomfort when sleeping in the darkest corners of my brain).
When I found these gorgeous images over at The Byron Life, I knew I had to share and link. You can click over to Megan's The Byron Life to read more, and see more of these incredibly sensual images by Australian photographer Olivia Martin McGuire.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I wish it was warm enough to be swimming in the sea like those pix.
At 34wks pregnant i would love to feel/look that weightless and relaxed.
Though people tell me im lucky to be pregnant in cooler weather...
Gorgeous. And I agree, the one thing messing with my otherwise solid non-plan for Baby #3 is the thought of never being peachy again...Keith would remind me of all the complaints I forget about (damn those husbands) but I just found it the most beautiful thing.
It's impossible to explain to somebody that had a rough pregnancy, so I'm very grateful I never had one of those.
Wow. Those are AMAZING.
I agree, being pregnant was the bestest. I've never felt so good about my body as I did when I had a baby in my belly. Although might wait a couple of years for number 2... x
I love being pregnant too, and I can't wait to be again. I know it won't be as magical as the first time... but I still can't wait for an iota of that magic.
Bliss! x
You see a beautiful pregnant woman. I see a woman starving her child of oxygen while exhaling bubbles under water for art.
Oh me too! I threw up right until the babies popped out, but I wouldn't of traded a second of it. I loved being a pregnant lady and felt so sad when it was all over.
I had a best friend with me 24/7 and it made me strong and so confident.
It just goes too fast.
I was pregnant in the Territory and swimming was utter utter bliss. I have always swum for comfort &find escape in water, and joy. And it pregnancy I found those feelings amplified.
These images are gorgeous.
And to the anonomous poster,not for one minute can you deprive a baby of oxygen by swimming umder water.
I hated being pregnant. Everything dislocated, I was so sick and everything hurt. Ugh, just ugh.
That said, I love how I look pregnant, I loved the swell of my belly and giving birth (yes, I enjoyed birthing Isaac, a whole lot more than I enjoyed growing him) and meeting my newborn for the first time.
And as much as I don't do pregnancy well and dislike it, we are planning on a 3rd baby, and hopefully soon!
The photos are gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
Incredibly beautiful pics.
That is almost inducement enough to have another.
I also loved being pregnant, but with all the background ruckus going on here at the moment these pictures make me want to be underwater enjoying the muffled ocean sounds and weightlessness.
Lovely pics. I'm 33 wks and loving my trips to the local hydrotherapy pool. The sea would be nicer but I'm in Melbourne and it's FREEZING!
Gorgeous photos. I LOVED being pregnant!
I enjoyed the whole experience. Reading this just took me back to feelings of experience both my babes first movements and being over joyed everyday of my pregancies. X
oh yes I love being pregnant! I know some people hate it but I just love it...which is probably why I'm having baby 4! love the big belly, the big boobies and the little movements inside!
gorgeous pictures and thanks for sharing
Wow ! amazing pictures !!! I love them. I work for a french maternity independent magazine so I know what I 'm talking about :-)
you can see our last issue on www.my-egg.fr
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