I spent two years wearing those suckers and finally had them removed when I was about 17. There is nothing like the feel of your teeth after having metal brackets stuck on them.
But one of my bottom teeth has decided to go wayward and has really gone wonky. I can't stop looking at it or noticing it. It's started making me feel a little self-conscious.
I told Matt I wanted to get braces and he was all - 'no no no Lexi, you're not getting braces'. And I start thinking, oh man, I could be a mum with braces. This time around, the thought does not excite me. And last time I was at the dentist and asked them about that wonky-tonky tooth and she confirmed I'd not only have the bottom braces, but the top braces as well.
I am a big fan of imperfect teeth. On other people. I love Lauren Hutton's gap. Anna Paquin also has an alluring gappy smile.
But mine isn't a gap. It's a wonky-honky-tonk tooth.
Apparently this is big news in the UK. Well. Not mine. But royalty rocking a brace.
Has anyone had adult-braces? What are your thoughts on mums wearing mouthmetal?
oh wow that is such a similar beginning to my braces life - four permanent teeth yanked out (all at once and I was awake!!) and then braces for those impressionable teenage years! but no wonky teeth have returned. do what you feel you must...adults are no way near as cruel as teenagers surely??
I have heard of something called Invisalign I think...
They look like really thin mouth guards that are formed to your teeth. They are clear so that when you wear them you don't really see them.
Here is their link if you want to see more info...http://www.invisalign.com/Pages/Home.aspx
I had braces as an adult. It was worth it. People were very positive about it and my husband got used to it. And it takes less time now.
I needed braces as a kid, but my parents never got around to it. I have been thinking about it as an adult for quite a few years. I finally got the courage to speak to my dentist about it and he laughed and said - put your money into the kids teeth, at least one is going to need braces!
I used to be a dental nurse and I can tell you that heaps of adults have braces. I have terribly crooked bottom teeth and would consider getting them for myself (if I didn't have a million others things to spend that money on!)
Oh, and if you want to ask me about my adult braces please email me. I had them for 19 months in my mid 30's and had them off 18 months ago
I had braces as a teenager but then wasn't very good at wearing my plate and it's wonky city again. Top and bottom, and I have on tooth strangely shorter than the others, which I feel self conscious about, I don't like my smile. I think I have an ugly smile. But I couldn't bear to wear them again, and it would make me look 12 rather than 16. xo
PS Sorry if I'm stalking at the moment.
A friend of mine had them a little while ago and she mixed and matched. Your regular braces on the bottom teeth and those white ones on top. That seemed ok although at first I kept thinking it looked like she had some freakish plaque but it became normal...
Now she has ace teeth and I wish my teenage braces years had yielded such good results.
I had teenage braces, have great top teeth but a recalcitrant front bottom tooth that is a little wonkly. Have thought about having it fixed. Watched my husbandos go through adult braces at age 35, didn't stress him too much, boy did he need them, pretty good job finished with some veneers he has much better teeth now. I personally can't be fagged to fix mine now and like the "english" school of teeth, where everything isn't too even and perfect. Unfortunately my kidlets are both going to need braces so we'll keep up the private health insurance until we're past that point.
do you have wonky teeth? i had no idea. you can't even tell!
i have one wonky tooth. i feel like it's such a part of me know that i couldn't change it.
Gapped teeth are hot. I wonder if you could get braces to create a gap in your teeth? hhmmm
Yes I have braces and am in my mid-30's. have had them for about a year with almost another year to go so on the home stretch. I always wanted and needed them but over the last few years my teeth had become worse and I finally took the plunge. I have clear on top and metal on the bottom, the invisalign were not an option. Most people take a while to notice and a few have thought I got botox, and everyone has been accepting and like to tell me their teenage braces stories. But I will be truly happy when they come off, not only the results but for the enjoyment of food again and not having to brush as often!
I got braces when I was about 21 i think, had them for over a year and then got them put back on about a year later as they had all moved again!! Now I have a permanent wire glues to the back of my top and bottom teeth to stop them moving again. I was so self conscious when i had them and felt that everyone was looking at my braces when i smiled at them, i tried to talk so you couldn't see them that much and i sorta talked with a lisp. I had clear on the top and silver on the bottom. I even had them in when i had my first child.
I'm also facing the "should I get braces again" question... and veering towards saying yes, but already dreading it!
If you feel the need then go for it. 18 months is like a couple of weeks in grown up time so they will come off in no time I'm sure...I have a gap so according to Mama Bear, I'm hot!!! Woah yeah!!!
Speaking of gorgeous gaps - Vanessa Paradis..hot hot hot!
I HAD BRACES UNTIL EARLIER THIS YEAR AND I AM SHOUTING AT YOU TO SAY DO NOT DO IT! it hurts so much more as a grown up. The ulcers, the aching jaw, the inability to chew for days after they were tightened, the stupid times that they make for appointments. I had mine when the Bebito was born and didn't smile for ANY photos til I got them off. People will think me the most miserable Mama ever when they see those pics. And, invaslign doesn't work for everyone. DON'T DO IT! Did I mention DON'T DO IT!??!?!?!?!?
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