Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Autopsy Of A Vacuum Cleaner

Do you ever have to autopsy your vacuum cleaner? I find more and more, that I am donning the dust mask and gloves, grabbing a scalpel, and trawling through its innards.
It's not pretty people. Not only is it stuffed full of dust, it has lots of hair (gag) and random objects. It's like running the gauntlet of dust disease.

I love CSI. But I do not love my own version of the autopsy. Emptying the vacuum bag is not high on my love-list. Actually it doesn't even rate. It's not glamorous. It's not even vaguely fun. It's just disgusting. The only reason I do it is because I seem to vacuum up every stray piece of Lego that belongs to a set, and then I have to retrieve it.
I love vacuuming. It's the only piece of housework I love. I do it with gay abandon. I love vacuuming so much that I have written about my love for it several times before on PMM. Need some expensive counselling?

My FIL has observed me before, rummaging through this dense gunk - and asked why I don't do it over a bin (as it is, I lay out a piece of newspaper and go through it with a fine tooth comb, or my fingers, whichever comes to hand first. Ok it's my fingers - but they are gloved!). Clearly he doesn't see the need for the autopsy, and maybe thinks that I do this sort of thing for kicks. It's cheap. It's not fun. But it's cheap. Could that make that a fun kick? Er, no.
Please tell me I'm not the only housewife performing the slightly unorthodox vacuum bag autopsy. Tell me you're doing it too. Even if you're lying.
image from i don't know where. eep!