Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Hip Hip!

It's Anna from Rummey Bears birthday today. It is! High fives to birthdays because they always make me so full of fun and silliness. She will probably knee cap me if she sees this post.

But Anna, let's have a big fat slab of cake when next we rendezvous. No more sharing a muesli biscuit. It's cake or nothing! Capiche?

As for me, I'm nervous about my first day at work tomorrow. I have a to-do list to get through tonight - squeak! What the heck was I thinking? I didn't even do the cooking I was planning to get through to do. Yowsers.

Anyway - back to Birthday Girl - say hi and wish her a very happy birthday - won't you?

image via Martha - Anna, maybe I'll make this for you?