Thursday, 9 September 2010

Yet Another Really Genius Idea

Work went well today. I was nervous. I almost cried when the Doctor told me, to allay my nerves, that "you will be ok Mummy. I felt nervous on my first day too, and then the next day I made some friends and I felt much better. You will be ok. Kids and grown-ups can feel nervous too!"

Man. I love that little dude.

And while on the drive to work, stuck in traffic, stuck in traffic so bad I read half the paper before I got there, I devised a super-fantastic idea.

Listen up. Listen up real good.

You know those T2 and T3 lanes? The ones that I never know if I can drive in if I have two children in the back? The ones I avoid because I worry the two smalls don't make up two people? Yes. (Well can I??) Those ones? Well I have a really super fantastic plan, and basically, you are going to totally dig it and when we next go to the polls, you can vote for me for PM because this is SOLID GOLD! Bobby Katt will make me Cat in the Hat-a-licious!

What if we made those lanes for parents commuting? They could be PC lanes. Parents Commuting lanes. I know. Controversial. I'll polarise you yet. Because what I am about to say is going to make you smash your fist on your keyboard, throw your laptop out the window and swear at me. But I am PottyMouthMama. Hear me roar. Grrr.

You can only use these lanes if your children are under school-age, or you have a wee little baby who won't stop wah-ing, or if you're in a rush to get to your child ie little Tommy won't eat his devon sandwiches because he has a piece of Lego stuffed up his nose. Or if your teenage child has set fire to the school oval and you have to stop drop and roll to put the damn thing out. He's naughty like that. You can not use this lane if your children are above a certain age.. Let's say 17. We don't want those lanes congested with 70+ year olds taking a leisurely drive two suburbs away to visit John-John Jnr, not when I need to get to work peeps!

Do tell me what you think, because I am expecting MENSA to back me up on this, to send me a little jaunty MENSA crown and to crown me a GENIUS. Or alternatively, I could stick to my day job. Now that I have one.

PS - I think I've linked to this clip before. But I lover it all up. So you'll just have to sit tight and suffer in your jocks.