The big news at PMM HQ is... I'm going back to work. Not that I haven't been working these past five years, but I've scored a great part-time role, and I'm excited, but totally petrified at the same time!
I have worked freelance for the past half-decade (man that sounds like forEVER), and have occasionally gone into the office when I needed to.
But starting this week, I go into the office three days a week. Eek! Pretty soon you'll see me devouring Wall Street Journal, wearing pinstripe and toting my laptop while I grocery shop. Yeah. It's going to totes happen.
Not only am I going to have to be painstakingly organised (no more lastminute.com dinners), but I have to shop for a new work wardrobe. Prior to being a mama, I enjoyed my vintage wardrobe. Sadly, I don't think a lot of those pieces are going to cut it. Or fit me.
My question for YOU is: if you work (as well as parent), what works for you? How do you keep all those juggling balls up in the air?
You may be wondering about the post and the photo? Mmm, well it's Anna Friel. She's a working mum too. Think her wardrobe might work for me?