The big news at PMM HQ is... I'm going back to work. Not that I haven't been working these past five years, but I've scored a great part-time role, and I'm excited, but totally petrified at the same time!
I have worked freelance for the past half-decade (man that sounds like forEVER), and have occasionally gone into the office when I needed to.
But starting this week, I go into the office three days a week. Eek! Pretty soon you'll see me devouring Wall Street Journal, wearing pinstripe and toting my laptop while I grocery shop. Yeah. It's going to totes happen.
Not only am I going to have to be painstakingly organised (no more lastminute.com dinners), but I have to shop for a new work wardrobe. Prior to being a mama, I enjoyed my vintage wardrobe. Sadly, I don't think a lot of those pieces are going to cut it. Or fit me.
My question for YOU is: if you work (as well as parent), what works for you? How do you keep all those juggling balls up in the air?
You may be wondering about the post and the photo? Mmm, well it's Anna Friel. She's a working mum too. Think her wardrobe might work for me?
It doesn't always work! The balls tend to drop pretty often, but the standard rules of getting out of the house are doing it all the night before. Creche bags rarely get emptied. Work nights tea is courtesy of the freezer or the local takeaway and don't even think of making plans for anything, on a night that you work.
Also, you need to team up with some other creche or working mums to help each other out in tricky spots.
I work three days a week - and tend to just take it as it comes. I have stopped grocery shopping and do it all online now which requires a menu plan for the week which is about as organised as I get. Week night dinner is often baked beans on toast, a taste plate (vegemite sandwiches, cheese and carrot sticks, fruit, ham, saltanas all on a plate) or leftovers - because we only have an hour between getting home and kids to bed and they are always hungry when we walk in the door.
I've been mistaken as organised because I always seem to have the right thing at the right time. I'm actually so disorganised that what I needed was still in the car from last time I used it. The same applies for childcare bags - their sun hats are still in there from the summer, and they're just starting to need them again now!
Good luck and enjoy the juggling act!
Congratulations beautiful.
The trick is to be organised and plan plan plan.
I can send you all the things that work for me if you like.
Working full time, studying and having the kids presents it's struggles...I try not to be hard on myself and my motto in stressful times is 'This to shall pass' x
How exciting Lexi! Big yay for you!
You'll be a gun.
Um I'm not a mum, but all I know is from working 2 jobs and doing my bears, um it's hard. Sometimes I do better sometimes not so good.
If you find out the magic secret do let me know. xo
I reckon the trick (and hey i'm no expert) is to have a plan in place and take things like grocery shopping out of the equation by getting it delivered. What the other gals have said is excellent advice. Freezing meals is also a massive help. On weekends I make a meal that can be frozen and then taken out the next week or week after on nights when I'm working. It'll take a little while to get used to so be kind to yourself until you get into the rhythm. xxx
Welcome back baby ... rock the wardrobe I say. Come on, I wear $2 Vinnies spectacles that look like I should be part of the Mad Men cast - and I work for News Limited. In fact, today I choose not to rock an all op-shop outfit and there was a rally from the team demanding to know what was going on and pitch in for laundry powder if that be the problem. As for how to juggle it all. Ummm. Hmmmm. Hang on. I'll put it on the agenda of my next meeting. We'll workshop it and I'll get back to you with a date the team expects to have an answer up and "live" for you.
So, where are you starting. Do I expect to be seeing pressers from you?
Congratulations and enjoy your time sans children! Keep it simple and outsource some of your household tasks so that the time you do have at home can be spent enjoying the kidlets. For example, if cashola will allow, order some quality prepared meals for the month or even better hire a cleaner/ironing lady even once a fortnight! Ease the burden and ensure you and the family can spend quality time together when you are not working in paid employment instead of spending the majority of your time "working" toward getting ready for the next week!
good for you and yes, it will be a bit of a learning curve but just think of the fun you'll have rocking the pinstripe power suit!
All I can suggest, is that if you happen to plan to wear a shirt with a vest over the top (assuming that becomes socially acceptable again) but then only have time to iron the collar and the sleeves? Best you remember the vest.
How exciting for you!
I too work 3+ days a week depending, since I run my own business it can change.
I have a 'rough' routine of what I do for the week, but Im not rigid in it, I tend to roll with the punches. I try to grocery shop tuesday, visit friends on a wednesday, I like to clean later in the week so that its nice for the weekend.
I meal plan. THAT is a saviour for me because I hate when I come home from work and don't know what to cook, so I roughly plan out the meals on a Monday night, do the groceries on Tuesday and am set for the week. I get fruit and veg box delivered also.
You will rock it because your a woman!
There is no answer to that question that can be out in a comments box. There is only an encyclopedia to be written. But that would just be ANOTHER bloody thing I've got to do before my daughter gets home from school!
Good luck in going back. (Don't wear Anna Friel's blouse for gawd's sake!)
BOOOOOBS! That is all. I have no advice in those departments. Sorry.
Oh, did I mention you'll be happy to be at work for a "break".
I work full time and its everything ready the night before - clothes, lunchboxes, creche bag, stuff for swimming lessons etc etc. Easy meals for the days I am at the office all day. Really it's just getting into a routine. Good luck
Good on you! all I can say is it is nice to plan things out but as a mother you know well that plans rarely work out, but I'm sure you will do superbly ;)
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