Thursday, 28 October 2010

Thursday. And It Goes All Day.

Right now at PMM HQ Tiny is being feisty. And loud. And a little bit cross. Actually, really cross. On Monday we were at a cafe. A couple moved away from their table, very quickly, with their glasses and cutlery in hand when Tiny started bellowing.
Usually it doesn't worry me. I can ride it out. But that day I got a bit teary and wanted to disappear.
I am hoping that when she turns three in December she'll magically be out of the terrible twos. David Copperfield can be my homeboy if it happens.
But right now, she's acting as the ultimate contraceptive.


Miss Milla's said...

They do have a way of being a great contraceptive. Recently, we left for holidays with me very much wanting another child, only to return after 2 weeks holidays (that's not what they were getting called by the end of the two weeks), with me saying there is no way in the world I would have another child.
First week back from holidays, appointment for a more permanent contraction booked in at the doctors!!!
I really love the kids we have, I just don't think we could handle any more!

Jgee said...

I had one of those experiences the other week, at IKEA of all places. Those times when strangers give you that really awkward look, sub text- 'can your child shut the fook up'. At least at a cafe you can get up and leave. The labyrinth that is IKEA just dragged out my anxiety!

[Good Mum Hunting] said...

Ultimate contraceptive?? Brilliant!

Abigail has JUST started changing, a full blown 2 year old now and I do struggle some days.

Hang in there xx

Aussie-waffler said...

Le Artiste was an absolute shocker when he was two (er..and three I'm afraid). He used to throw epic tantrums, the scream for an hour until you throw up variety. So awesome. I don't think I really left the house for about two years. Good luck Lexi, it will get better (well at least before it gets worse - teenagers - arghhhh).

Anonymous said...

Mmmhmmm, so there. What is it about these December 2007 babies? Oh so gorgeous and yet...

Christina Lowry said...

Oh no! That's no good. Hopefully she will move through this phase quickly and onto one a little less dramatic.

Mr Cohen has been in undies for the past three days and hasn't as yet clicked as to what to do with the potty. Ah well. We'll try for a few more days, if not it will be back on with the nappies for awhile before we try again. Needless to say, there have been puddles everywhere!


leonie said...

lol.. i found your blog a while ago and i just love it..was having a KEEERAP day until i read the camel toe post.. i laughed out load.. for REAL! Just sent a my FB fans over to your site to join in the fun... don't ever stop writing :)

gemma @ loz and dinny said...

Must have been something running up the Eastern seaboard ... too late for contraceptive measures though know what I mean...

Mon Alisa Design said...

I think the saying should be changed to "terrible three's". My girls were difficult at two but when they hit three...yowsers!!! But I love them with all my heart and even though they drive me mad sometimes, I secretly
admired their hutzpah :)

Little Pinwheel said...

I think my little people have tied my legs in knots. there is no untying their knot. the best contraceptive.


mama bear said...

But Lex, she's just so cute. So so cute. I'm so happy we live in a kid filled area. I was at a cafe in bondi today that was full-o-hipsters, and i felt like I was misbehaving by having Rosie there. Let's take Tiny to that place and let her rip. xxx