This my friends is evidence of my ponyfail.
For the record, those fairer hairs at the back - nope, not greys. Just dodgy streaks my hairdresser put in. Well at least, I think they are. Eep.
Not to be confused with a ponytail, the ponyfail is suffering from stunted growth. It's usually demonstrated by odd lengths of hair that don't quite make the cut when it comes to the hair band. The ponyfail can easily be spotted and is usually sported by those attempting to grow their hair out after a short 'do.
Can I make it work? Or should I resign my ponyfail to the flop bin?
For the record, those fairer hairs at the back - nope, not greys. Just dodgy streaks my hairdresser put in. Well at least, I think they are. Eep.
Sorry for the supremely dodgy pics, I was flying solo and that's the best I could come up with. Peace out.
surely there's nothing wrong with that hair style, that's what mine looks like all the time! i think it's even better when i try to pin back my measly fringe with a bobby pin, or more realistically whatever bright coloured kids hair clip i trip over first.
not a fail, with the right part the mini pony (as I call it) can be cute as! *s*
Ah the ponyfail, something I have been "rocking" for some time after I went the big chop and regretted it. Yours looks cute, you got the messy boho thing going on.
My pony fail seems to never want to end, they keep layering it all over the place and it never seems to grow out.
Lucky there are lots of stunning ho,e made clips right now.
God you crack me up woman! Classic. You can tots pull this off. No fail..willawillawincha!
ponyfail giggle love it especially at 4am-ish rocking a tired and cranky little t who will not lie in bed tonight at all now way sorry no punctuation one handed typing
you are a foil for the cranks xx
ah ! not a ponyfail lady, a négligé ponytail French-style (some people work hard for this effortless look) x
Ponyfail. I think not. I think, perhaps, and please correct me if I am wrong, you have the unstructured look seen on SS11 runways around the world. What it says is carefree, young, simple, without the cares of the tight-arse society we live in. See, you're just not selling it right.
No part and up high is sporty... slightly side part but only half way down the headnot all the way back is cute. *s*
I am pretty certain you could wear a parakeet on your head and make it work.
You are the best! Love your Ponyfail ( hey have you heard the new Ponyface album) love it. xo
Turn the ponyfail into a stylish do with the addition of a groovy clip-type thingo on the messy side! I have been raiding my daughters clip box recently for those too-short bits and have had success!!
The problem comes when the ponytail becomes the style of choice years after the short-do has grown out because you can't be arsed doing your hair!!
Oooh the pony fail, I have survived many of those... they are bad in the summer! sweaty neck.
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