Saturday, 19 February 2011

The Fun Police

Do you know anyone that's in the Fun Police? I had the Fun Police sniffing around these parts just this week. Trying to extinguish any fun and malarky we might have been getting into. But never fear, I'm hear to shake my fist at this humourless authority. I won't listen! I'll paint some posters and placards and stand on Town Hall steps until you hear me Fun Police. Get outta here! If you don't like my blog, then don't read it!

It's not as though the Board of Education have made PottyMouthMama a 3 Unit English text. Is it...? (Or have you? Then hello academics! I look dashing in a graduates gown - and that funny looking hat that I forget the name of).

Fun Police, I'll have to citizen's arrest you. Stop raining on my parade! I can laugh at stupid things if I want to! Life isn't so humourless that I can't laugh at a - gasp - camel's toe! It is funny. Trust me.

What's not so funny is the fact that you seem to have lost your sense of humour. Never fear, I'll get my friends out looking for it for you. Dealio?

PS - Fun Police, I thought you might like this clip I found via Dooce. Maybe you can handcuff me now?


Anonymous said...

that is a rip snorter - loved it! thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Honestly if you don't find a camel toe funny there is something very very wrong with you.

How was manning the checkout at THE sale? Bet you were ripbangers good.

Wanna know something funny, my mate calls really nasty camel toes moose knuckles which I just find hilarious.

But that's me.

You're fun, PMM. I know it. I am here way past bedfordshire because I have the sads and I knew a dose of you would pick me up. I knew it. Worked.

(Not that I am tired or anything. Or that I am yawning. Nope)

Ellieboo said...

I am thinking of sporting a camel toe all day today in support of your rally against the fun police - they need to be stopped at all costs!

PinkPatentMaryJanes said...

Hilarious. And yes, nothing more hilarious that a cameltoe - except maybe the masculine version seen in the 70s - the camelscroe...

Lindy in Brisbane said...

Ha ha, loving the baby! The fun police are alive and well all over the place. Apparently their lives are so miserable that they want to share the misery. Away I say, I'm all for laughing till you wet your pants, or until you fall over like that baby....

shine little light* said...

That video is TOOOOO funny! oh oh Im so curious as to who has been fun policing and what over? Surely not over a camel toe for real?? No everyone finds those funny right- well i mean they're a little bit *gag* at first but then its just funny! Smack it to em pmm - your blog is superfun! *s*

kate said...

I needed this today. I've had about 15 viewings now, and with each one I laugh harder. Awesome. Thank you.

small forest said...

Just revisited the camel toe episode. More EPIC than the first time. Another much needed post from the greatest Potty Mouth of them all Cheers