Tuesday, 22 February 2011

I'm Sorry Nat

But I feel like chocolate. A Cherry Ripe would suffice. Even a hot chocolate. Anything chocolatey.

Someone today told me I was soft, and that it wasn't as if I am going off heroin. Well that's true. I'm not. But man my kidneys ache. I hope tomorrow I wake up feeling infinitely better. Otherwise I may have to hit up the vending machine.

I mentioned to Nat that while I am not much of a caffeine freak, I do love a sweetie. Particularly at 3pm. And 4pm. And 5pm. Oh am I really that bad? Apparently my kidneys are telling me so. I had to lie on the floor at work today. Hello CEO, I'm working from the carpet today. Hmm, what's that? Conference call? Can't make it sorry, I'm hurting too much.

Maybe I should do a before and after shot. I couldn't possibly be more punished by my body tomorrow than I was today.. Can I Nat? NAT?!!


Nat Kringoudis Melbourne said...

Who is this witch Nat that you speak of? She sounds AWFUL. I might go and have a word with her to see why she would induce such pain on you!
(p.s. - the worst is over - gosh girl isn't it scary how much our body holds onto things!) Keep going - you're doing an awesome job!

Anonymous said...

Is fruit allowed in the cleanse? Could you have some berries? I find them superduperoverthetop sweet. Maybe that will work.

Poor petal. Though you did give me the giggles. You did. Conference calling from the floor. Giggle.

Little Pinwheel said...

oh I have heard about that Nat woman....!! You are rockin'.... tomorrow gets better... and day 4 AMAZING!
eat all the time... that is what I am doing!! xx

small forest said...

Keep going!! I agree, I think the worst is over. And eat lots like Little Pin Wheel says.

I didnt know you could get sore kidneys from coming down off a sugar high?? Are you drinking enough water?

teddybearswednesday said...

Im going to rebel here, and say well rules are meant to be broken.
Anyway chocolate is apparent good for you
i think I read that maybe, or perhaps not xo

mama bear said...

Lex – if I have to stop chocolate – I hit the dried dates. Sultanas. Sometimes I've turned to a banana in times of desperation. x

shine little light* said...

You can do it! I'm cheering for you over here as a fellow sugar addict! Be strong and eat heaps of watermelon! *s*

fast times in münchen. said...

Those little date rolls covered in coconut are da bomb. I'll eat some now in your honour ;) Good luck, Im sure you'll feel fantastic after the week is out.

Lauren said...

I completely understand! I tried to purge myself of eating less chocolate...I went so nuts...and grouchy in the first couple of days I had to rethink my terms...I was aloud one hot chocolate a day...it has helped me and I'm eating less chocolate. POWER to you sister! You can do it! :)

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

Six weeks sugar free and I was a huge chocoholic - of the block a day variety. The only way I got through the cravings was to have something snack-y at hand as an alternative - crisps or pretzels or dip and crackers - anything to take my mind off the sugar and chocolate. The cravings (and headaches and general grumpiness) have eased now and it is so much easier. Good luck!