Sunday, 18 September 2011

Holy House Envy!

Have you seen this book? Aye carumba. I have house envy to the max.

I thought The Selby was top of the pops. Well he is, let's face it. But Design Sponge has me salivating. I may even throw some of my stuff out. Some may call it junk. I call it stuff. It's feasible that it could be stuff. It's stuff from other people's bins.

But whatever you want to call it, get your filthy doggone mitts on this book. You will not regret it. Mark my words homegirls!

PS - Check out this Neon Wedding. Be still my boom-ba-da boom-ba-da heart. I might have to get married all over again. (To you Matt, of course.)


Cathi said...

I love neon. My toes are painted a neon green right now. I'm no spring chicken my 7th decade!!!

Small Catalogue said...

I used to love design sponge and then... it got too Tonia Todman country-esque. But, well, maybe I was too hasty... that neon is anything but!