Saturday 8 September 2012

Biennale of Sydney:: Cockatoo Island

On Father's Day we got up early, breakfasted and headed out to catch a ferry over to Cockatoo Island. Much (well deserved) ado has been made about the Biennale, we were keen to get up close and personal with it ourselves, and so our Sunday art adventure began.

Sydney blasted out a cracker of a day, and the Biennale itself did not disappoint. Particularly given the interactive nature of the show. It's clever, witty and fun. Each of us enjoyed the art - as well as the backdrop of Cockatoo Island.

Highlights included finding those two statues at the top of this post. I know. Real life little statues. So cute I took them home.

On the ferry back I chanced upon meeting Tony from Well Spotted. Tony and I have been conversing via the interwebz since 1975. Or for five years. We've never met in real life. But as chance would have it, we were seated next to each other on the ferry. I recognised his Well Spotted t-shirt and thought "Cool, that guy is wearing a Well Spotted tee". Then looked at Instagram and saw that he had messaged me that he too was at the same exhibit just minutes after me. "Hey... Are you Tony?" And so life goes. Shazam social media!

Check out the Biennale if you get the chance (finishes September 16). It's a fun day for bigs and smalls.

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