Monday, 1 October 2012

Day 1:: Frocktober - A Little Bit Geisha. A Whole Lot Of Housewife

Hooray! It is day one of Frocktober. You know what this means right? Frock on baby!

Today I had some issues with what to wear since Sydney has decided to be unreasonably chilly in the mornings. And not heating up much. So layering it is. Layering for the win! 

Tiny has decided to join in on Frocktober too and wants to wear a dress a day. Should be easy for her in her anti-pants stance. 

Today's outfit:
- ye olde Lee Mathews smock that is almost falling to pieces
- necklace made by my sister
- obi belt made by my other sister

Help me give ovarian cancer a big kick up the wazoo. You can sponsor me here and help fund research into ovarian cancer. 


Mrs Sabbatical said...

Looks fab x

Michelle said...

Cute! I love your style. And your top knot - how did your hair get long so fast??

Brenda @ 13 Acres said...

awesome oobi belt Lexi!!! what lovely sisters you have!

ps - no sign of the offspring in my letterbox yet ;-(

nicole said...

oh that belt is divine!

Christina Lowry said...

How cute are you! Love it! :)