Monday 3 December 2012

Dancing On The Inside:: When Tiny Got Her Groove Back

When Tiny told me she didn't want to go to dancing anymore, I thought about how to handle it - and then decided it was best if we didn't force it. Like many of you commented (thank you) - there's plenty of time to go back to it if she wanted to. 

Tiny wasn't keen to be part of the concert, and I think she'd found it difficult with some of the other little girls - so we stopped going. But I did ask if she'd like to go to the end of year concert so she could see her cohorts in action. She said yes, and this weekend we were in the audience to watch them dance their little hearts out.

She really, really loved watching the concert - as did I. I think Tiny's favourite thing was the amount of sparkles and the heart costumes - she kept talking about them so much.And then she said she wanted to go back to dancing next year. 

I am such a dork - my daughter wasn't even in the concert and I got tears in my eyes - actually no - it's pollen! Those sweet, enthusiastic children are only small for such a brief amount of time - it made me think about how brief childhood is - and how in the matter of a few short years - things change completely. 

I am going to do my darndest to make this Christmas super smashingly fun to the max. I'm going to get my Christmas craft on ASAP - and get a tree this week. You heard it here first. 

I've been saving up to buy the smalls a trampoline - I can't wait to bounce on it with them. When Tiny got her groove back - and when Lexi threw caution to the wind and re-discovered the fun. Boom! We're in business. 


reread said...

Ae, so sweet. I cry at the drop of a hat, wedding, recitals, if I see an old guy sing the National Anthem.

Missus Sabbatical said...

Boom! I love this and am enthusiastic via osmosis. I would have bawled too btw. On the weekend we watched Chariots of Fire and as soon as the bloody music started, the goddam pollen got me xx

Kate Moore said...

Seriously, it's over in a flash. I look back and the youngest is 18. Where in heaven's name did that time go? And, bam, now there's a grandkid (fuck yes... shit, have to stop swearing, I am a grandmother) and she's growing before my eyes. Weeks ago she was like all folded up and now she's giving me sass.

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