Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Talking and Texting and Driving and Being Distracted and Being an Idiot

Do you ever text while you're driving? Be honest. You can be totes honest here. 

I've been observing drivers lately, when I'm sitting in traffic - because I live in Sydney and there's plenty of traffic in which to observe. 

So many people texting or holding their phone while driving. 

I watched one car in my rear-vision, and could see the woman looking down incessantly to her lap. One guess to what she was doing. I don't think she was sewing a button on her skirt. 

23% of Australian drivers talk or text while driving. That's a little scary when I consider how many people are on the road - and how quickly accidents happen.

I know driving home from work, I sometimes want to chat with someone, because I'm by myself, it's a good time to talk because there are no little people to interrupt, and no distractions. 

No distractions? HUH?? That's crazy isn't it. 

So many distractions on the road.

This is not to give you a rap over the knuckles, dear reader, it's to say: I'm not going to answer my phone or text, or even so much as give my phone a glance when I am in the car, sitting in traffic, bored. 

Instead I will find a good song on the radio and engage in some in-car karaoke.