Tuesday 15 October 2013

Need Some Blogging Tips?

If you haven't already - you should totally sign up for the free webinar with Darren from ProBlogger and Cintia of My Poppet fame that's a-happening on Wednesday (tomorrow). 

I'm totes doing it and going to suck the marrow out of it for some fresh inspiration and motivation!

I've done blogging e-courses before, which had forums, but to be honest, I think it's so much more valuable to do something in real time - a real conversation. 

I do shy away from conferences and the likes, mainly because I feel like a massive dork and I hate those awkward first hellos. I know. 

Anyway - if you're after some practical tips and tricks to make your blog better, and to help make your ideas happen (HELLO IDEAS!) - come and do this webinar with me so we can be totes dorky together. Or not. 

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