image via caruba
Ever feel like you've hit a bit of a rut? Or you're so consumed with day to day life you don't have the chance to stick your head out of your little home and see what else there is that might interest you?
I feel like that at the moment. That day to day life is all-consuming, that beyond looking after my babes, and trying to fit in my work, and being a wife, sister and friend, that there's not a lot of room at the moment for me minutes, let alone looking ahead to what's next.
I feel like I've hit a big, fat, unattractive rut.
When I was little and I looked at people who were my current age, I thought how grown up they were, how life was all sorted out. And I see now that I am here, looking out - it's not. There's still so much potential that's ripe for the picking, but it's choosing which way to go or even whether to go go go. Are you hearing me?
My life is pretty darn great. I have a beautiful family. I am very grateful. I have great friends. I am a most fortunate sausage.
But what's next? I need to shake things up a little. Feel the adrenaline. I'm not happy unless I have something new on the boil, I know that. But what is that 'new' going to be. I don't mean it has to be something big. But just something to get my creative juices going again. Universe, you hear me, right? Talk to me.