'We're not in Kansas anymore Toto. And I'm expecting a tornado through these parts any moment now. Oh wait, it looks like it's already been.' - (not) from the Wizard of Oz
Seriously folks, I am tidying up our house. I've been selling stuff on eBay. I have a boot full of goodies for the op shop. I am recycling like a maniac. And yet, our house looks as though a paper/clothes/toy bomb has exploded. Where oh where have I gone wrong?
I've lost my tidying mojo and am willing to live in this cesspit of debris because there are no homes for all this stuff. I've even discovered a box that hasn't been opened since we moved here four and a half years ago.
In times of mess and more mess, what's a gal to do? How do you deal with the clutter and paper traps?
I usually make a cup of tea and start wishing for the cleaning fairies to arrive.
I'll fly up. I love cleaning. You can tell me funny stories for payment.
What's your ebay account? I need useless stuff.
I wish I knew. I cleaned the floor today. And then it got trashed again. I plan to eat a lot of peanut m and ms tonight. I think that will help.
Paper traps are the worst. I find having a pile of 'things to file away', a pile of 'things that need stuff done' and a pile of 'I don't even know what to do with these' doesn't help at all. So I don't suggest that as a solution.
Just don't open the box packed four and a half years ago. You obviously don't need anything inside it and you could sell it on Ebay as a lucky dip.
Hey! I have the same filing system as Trove. I can assure you, it doesn't work.
Just organise what you can and contemplate what to do with the rest.
Or get someone up there who's not afraid to throw out your junk for you!
I put the things that are really precious to me away safe and then just let the kids play with the rest... in no time at all it becomes broken and I can throw it away or re-cycle it!
Throw in some high sugar food and your place could be cleared of crap in no time at all!
My granny always said just keep picking up and keep putting down and eventually there will be a space to the door and then you can run for your life! (OK so I added the last bit... but the picking up and putting down does work... as long as there are garbage bags and recycle bins involved... just keep everything moving... if you haven't used it in the last 12 months move it on so someone else can...)
I put it in the back room in a box with a cloth over it and then fight my way through when I need something from the back room. I think this is a really good plan.
I get either my mother or sister to fly over. Sylv had a fabulous morning while she was here last month sorting out my fabric cupboard. She was happy so I just let her get on with it. Did you want their phone numbers?
I am known in my circle of mates as a chucker- my rule is if you hesitate over if you should keep it or not -chuck it out...having said that I understand that feeling of walking around the house just feeling like you are just moving crap around...
Oh I feel your pain m'dear! (as you can see from the pic of my garage on my blog) We're trying to get rid of 20 years of hording at my grandparents place! My only advice is "little by little". We tried to set goals that were too big and it only made us more depressed about it all. Make sure that as soon as you fill up a "vinnies box" put it in the car and at the end of the day take the car full of boxes to Vinnies.
I just joined flylady. She isn't for rebels or those who can't take orders but if you can see past that and herselling emails she does a great job of helping to declutter and get control of the house again. Cherrie
I feel your pain. I'm afraid I have no helpful advice - your place sounds much like mine looks! But I simply loved seeing Dorothy and Toto!
Could you just ignore it? I find that works best for me. Denial.
Maybe we should invent some sort of blinkered glasses so you can only see in front of you... but what if that bit's a tip???... maybe just virtual reality glasses ... or a more low tech version of glasses with pictures of magazine houses on the inside... of course then it's hard to see where you're going but...
Or maybe just a glass of wine and all this will make sense. I figure I won't live like this forever, and when I'm old, I'll forget I ever lived with this much mess. Particularly FOLDING!!! My mother's forgotten, so that's a good sign.
I haven't been organized since my first child was born.
He is now 32 years old and married.
Do you think my excuse is getting a bit old and tired?
Cheers Jan
I wish I had the answer - I'm drowning in paper, clothes and toys as well. Especially the paper. Won't somebedy take away all this paper??
Oh,I'm hearing you, I feel exactly the same. And it's so much harder when your a hoarder! I can't let many things go so I'm constantly surrounded by stuff.
It sounds like your on the right path!
So, reading over my just left comment, I feel I should clarify I'm referring to moi as a hoarder. 'Cause it kinda reads like I'm accusing you of being a hoarder. Which I don't think would be the case. : )
I actually found myself feeling anxiety because I had SO MUCH CLUTTER! There was (still is) crap everywhere in my house. I read a book about decluttering and organising my life, but it's still very much a WIP. Anyway, I find a glass of wine or three helps you not see the dust bunnies and paper everywhere.
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