I've got a terrible track record. I always say yes to people when I'd really like to say no.
I do things I don't really want to do while other people get to do the good stuff.
I say yes to having dinner with people - on their side of the bridge - when we both know it's their turn to come my side.
And if someone has an opinion different to mine, I usually clam up until the conversation has floated safely past me. Or if we continue talking, I get all flustered - including nervous rash - and mess up what I want to say.
The fantasy me:
- says no when she wants to
- doesn't do the crap while everyone else has fun
- makes people cross the bridge (because I'm worth it!)
- speaks up for her opinions - and doesn't get flustered
What's the fantasy you going to do? Are we going to do it girls? YES! We're going to kick some butt.
image via end of text