Today I had the incredible idea that I would make the smalls a bunny each for Easter. I'd been looking on the internet for colouring-in stencils for kids, and stumbled across the perfect bunny to stitch.
So here is my prototype. Pretty darn wonky, but the Doctor already lays claim to him.
Ignore the dishevelled ear. Ignore the pure wonkiness and uneveness. He could be cute. If you squint your eyes really tight. He could be. And we could be heroes.
The funniest thing is, my mother-in-law misheard me and thought I was making our real-life rabbit a stuffed bunny.. I mean I have done some kooky things, but.. well, I don't even adore the real-life rabbit. He ate my handbag for goodness sakes. He ate my favourite handbag. My handbag that even had its own name (Keith Richards). And the damn rabbit ate it. He's not getting anything from his mate at Easter. Nothin'.